Privacy Policy
Newsletter Email
Our Newsletter is e mailed free of charge to those companies or individuals who work in the recreational or consumer product industry or in our areas of practice, those in the insurance business, and anyone who shares a defense perspective and are interested in receiving legal related information pertinent to their business. Please feel free to recommend the Newsletter to others. We attempt to segregate the emails based on content (so certain people receive certain types of content). We do not share this list with anyone. The frequency and length of our Newsletters is determined by the issues, the news cycle of events and what we deem newsworthy for subscribers. Generally there is not more than one newsletter every few weeks.
We prefer that you use a company email address for receiving the Newsletter (one with the company name in the domain) assuming your company has such an e mail addresses. You can also add as many email addresses as you would like. Also emails are sent out "blind" or "bcc'd" so that no one's email address is exposed to other recipients. This also helps to prevent spam.
If you prefer you can also subscribe to the newsletter by following us on Twitter or via SMS by texting follow swhlaw to 40404 (the SMS method only works for US cell phones).
Non Newsletter Email
We also communicate with clients and non clients using email. We make every attempt to insure we use secure methods of transmission and email storage/backup however we cannot vouch for your ISP or the security of your home or office email system, software or access to your computer (especially unsecured/unencrypted notebook computers)
With respect to communications with non clients (those persons or entities with which there has NOT been an attorney client privilege/relationship established), we make every attempt not to disclose personal information about (such as email addresses or the communications) them unless we have their permission or we are required to disclose it by law in response to subpoena, discovery request or court order.
With respect to communications with clients (those persons or entities where an attorney client privilege/relationship has been established), disclosure of information is governed by very strict rules and in many cases cannot be disclosed except under extraordinary circumstances. For more information on confidential communications with clients or non clients please refer to our email policy, the Conditions of Use for this site, and the California Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 3-100 Confidential Information of a Client.
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